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Report Number 24–12186

Roysons Corporation Test Number 6089–8130

Rockaway, New Jersey December 26, 2024

Stain Resistance

Test Method: The material was tested in accordance with W-102 (2019), WA Quality Standard for Wallcovering /

Alternate Constructions. A sample from an area with as many different printed colors as possible, as well as the

ground, is exposed to the following reagents: (1) Distilled water, 75 ± 5°F; (2) Distilled water, 120 ± 5°F; (3)

Ethyl alcohol; (4) Vinegar, 3 % acetic; (5) Alkali solution; (6) Hydrochloride, 5 %; (7) Soap solution; (8)

Detergent solution; (9) Pure orange juice; (10) Butter; (11) Catsup; and (12) Tea. Immediately after application,

the reagent is covered with a watch glass and allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours. After removal of the

watch glass, the wall covering is cleaned using, as appropriate, hot or cold distilled water, 50 % ethyl alcohol,

or with the specified detergent solution. The specimen shall show no evidence of appreciable change to the

decorative surface.

Material Tested: The client submitted a sample of non–vinyl wallcovering (polyester with woven backing)

identified as Terralon.

Test Data:

Reagent Rating Reagent Rating

(1) 75°F distilled water 5 (7) standard soap solution 5

(2) 120°F distilled water 5 (8) detergent solution 5

(3) 50% ethyl alcohol 5 (9) orange juice 5

(4) vinegar 5 (10) butter 5

(5) 1% NaOH solution 5 (11) catsup 5

(6) 5% HCl 5 (12) tea 5

Note: The rating system is based on the AATCC Nomenclature for Subjective Rating Processes in which a

rating of 5 = negligible or no staining, 4 = slight staining, 3 = noticeable staining, 2 = considerable staining, and

1 = severe staining. A rating of less than 4 is considered “appreciable” in relation to severity of change.

Test Result: The material tested, Terralon, meets Type II requirements for stain resistance in accordance with

W-102 (2019). Overall classification can not be based on a single performance property.

Commercial Testing Company