Dreamscape products are assembled, manufactured, and packaged in the United States.   Raw materials for our products are from a blend of domestic and foreign suppliers,  and can vary from product to product and year to year depending on market conditions.  Part of satisfying BABA is having a high percentage of a products raw materials be from US sources.  Contact us to discuss individual product qualifications.


BABA is the Build America, Buy America Act. BABA requires any “infrastructure project” funded by any “Federal Financial Assistance” (FFA) apply a domestic content procurement preference, meaning that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the infrastructure project have been produced in the United States, unless the awarding agency has issued a waiver of this requirement. This is called the “Buy American Preference” (BAP).

The purpose of BABA is to bolster America’s industrial base, protect national security, and support high-paying jobs.

For more information visit the https://www.hud.gov/BABA website