Printing Dreamscape White Vinyl media on Latex and Resin Equipment


All Dreamscape white vinyl media are compatible with latex and resin ink systems. We recommend our High-Performance media for best results with latex and resin ink systems.



As with all new media, it is critical to do a complete printer calibration for the Dreamscape product in use.

Consult your printer manual for optimization techniques for the following parameters.

Electromechanical settings

Head gap

Bidirectional alignment

Step advance

NOTE: Some equipment calibration methods combine the above settings in a general calibration process.

Refer to your operator’s manual for procedure to calibrate a new media product.

Ink Cure / Media Flatness 

Refer to operator’s manual for ink cure method. Complete latex/resin ink cure will require adjustment to temperature and might require adjustment to pass count, pass delay (when available). Temperature settings in the cure range for resin/latex systems may affect media flatness. This can be controlled with adjustment to platen vacuum.

Note: Increasing pass count and/or adding a pass delay can aid in achieving proper ink cure. Changes to these parameters will affect production time.

 Finalizing set up

                Save and/or record the values for the specific media in use


As a general rule, regardless of the media to be printed, it is recommended to verify all printer calibrations and ink cure before going into production