DreamScape wallcoverings can be suitable for use in natatoriums, which are indoor swimming pool facilities. However, it is important to choose a wallcovering that is specifically designed for use in high-moisture environments.   Many of the products in Dreamscape family will qualify for this purpose,  such as any of the TYPE II commercial fabric backed vinyl items we have in our "White Texture" category,  and also our self adhesive Wallwrap items.    

Wallcoverings that are designed for natatoriums are typically made from materials that are resistant to mold and mildew, and can withstand exposure to chlorine and other chemicals commonly used in swimming pools. Additionally, they should have a high level of moisture resistance to prevent water from penetrating through to the wall behind. 

It's important to note that proper installation is also crucial in ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of wallcoverings in a natatorium.  Since most Dreamscape vinyl products are heavy duty and thick,  the moisture can not pass through the surface.  The wall surface should be clean, dry, and properly primed ( we recommend a mold and mildew inhibiting primer)   before installation, and the seams and edges should be sealed to prevent water infiltration.  

Mold and Mildew inhibiting primer and adhesive products can be purchased from our website here.  

Overall, DreamScape wallcoverings can be a suitable option for walls in a natatorium, but it's important to choose a product specifically designed for this use and ensure proper installation to maximize durability and longevity.  

If you believe that a source of moisture is behind your wall,  you would likely be better suited with a "breathable" wallcovering solution.  Read more on that here. 

It is impossible for Dreamscape or any wallcovering company to guarantee results when it comes to mold and mildew.  If you have unusual humid conditions in the room,  or in the wall cavity,  you should consult with a moisture control expert.